Paradigm Shift

A driver drives. A sinner sins.

You never get surprised when you see a driver driving.

So, why do you get astonished when you see a sinner sin?

You did not become a sinner because you sin.

You are sinning because you were born a sinner.

You were born a sinner because Adam disobeyed God.

Your life is tied to Adam, just like it is tied to your grandfather's life.

If your grandfather died when he was 6 years young, you would not be here reading this.

💡 Every Sinner has a Future

The solution to sin is to be born again (John 3:3–8).

You need to be born righteous (Romans 4:5; Romans 5:17-19; Romans 10:4; Galatians 2:21).

As a believer, you are born righteous because Christ obeyed God (Philippians 2:4-8; Daniel 9:24; Romans 10:9-11).

It is not my aim to mock your willpower, but your own obedience cannot make you righteous (James 2:10; Romans 3:20; 1 Corinthians 15:56).

Your obedience is pointless (Romans 3:28).

You need to be born righteous (Romans 3:23-26; Romans 6:14; Romans 11:6).

A righteous person does the right things. So, if sin still has dominion over you, it means you are not under grace.

You are not prioritizing being constantly conscious of your position in Christ (Romans 8:1; John 8:10-11).

Be obsessed with the truth that you have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21).

🧠 Change Your Mind

We were taught to always confess our sins.

Before going to bed, we are encouraged to reflect and propitiate for all the sins we committed that day.

Truth be told, you are a lousy propitiator. You cannot propitiate for all your sins.

Propitiating for your own sins is similar to raising your hands to touch heaven. Your hands are too short.

It is evident that you become what you think about most. You keep sinning because all you think about is sin.

👉 During introspection, you think about sin.
👉 During confession, you think about sin.
👉 As they preach the 10 commandments, you are thinking about sin.
👉 During mortification, you are still thinking about sin.
👉 When you are seeking 'partial indulgence' or 'full indulgence,' you are thinking about sin.
👉 When your aim is to offer sincere repentance, you are still thinking about sin.

🔄 Paradigm Shift

For those who have been seeking the truth that sets people free, we have repeatedly been told that it takes a thought to heal a thought.

So, instead of constantly confessing your sins…

Why don't you begin confessing your righteousness in Christ Jesus?

What is stopping you from confessing your righteousness in Christ Jesus?

When confessing your righteousness in Christ Jesus becomes your forte, you won't be confessing your sins in order to be forgiven (Isaiah 43:25).

You will be confessing your sins because you have already been forgiven.

Be bold enough to constantly confess your righteousness in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:8–9).


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