The Stone Which The Builders Rejected

The greatest wealth is to 'know Christ.'

You cannot know the Lord Jesus until He meets you in His Word. 

'Knowing Christ' and 'knowing about Christ' are two different things. 

People have trouble differentiating the two.

👉 Knowing About Christ:
Reading the Bible, which gives you an awareness about the Lord Jesus.

What you see on the printed pages is what you get. 

💡 Knowing Christ:
When you open the Holy Bible, your aim is to be met by Christ.

You are fully aware that He is alive, now. He was risen from the dead.

Christ meets you in the Holy Bible by giving you a revelation about Himself. 

A revelation from Christ will always glorify Him. 

If you get a revelation that doesn't glorify Christ Jesus, then it is not from God. 

👁️ Discernment 

Any revelation that glorifies anything else other than Christ, be assured that it is not from God. 

We wait on the Lord, expecting Him to meet us in His Word (The Holy Bible). 

Christ cannot meet you if you don't believe that He is alive. 

After all, how can a dead man meet you when you wait for him?

🕊️ Faith

The invisible is more real than the visible.

The invisible existed before the visible. 

The invisible God said, “Let there be light.”

And light became visible. 

Christ is God. Christ is invisible.

Faith is seeing the invisible.

You cannot see Christ until He meets you in His Word (The Holy Bible). 

And when you see Christ, you realize that you have never read a book that loved you back until you read the Holy Bible.

The Holy Bible is the portal that believers use to access 'heaven on earth.'

And when you get a revelation from Christ, time just stops. Because you are in the presence of the One who lives outside time. 

Lord Jesus sees the end from the beginning because He lives outside time. 

And a revelation from Christ cannot be explained. It must be experienced by you.

So, are you willing to wait on the Lord, today?


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