The Bold and the Brave

Success, they say, favors the wise,  
But often it's seen through different eyes.  
Not always the smartest who reach the heights,  
But those who risk and seize the night.

The clever may ponder, plan, and delay,  
While the bold leap forward, come what may.  
They stumble and fall, but rise again,  
It's not their smarts, but their will to win.

For sometimes it’s not the mind that leads,  
But a heart that dares, a soul that bleeds.  
The cautious wait, the brave just try,  
And in their daring, they learn to fly.

So here's to the "foolish," who seem unaware,  
They charge ahead while others just stare.  
It’s not always knowledge that paves the way,  
But the courage to act, come what may.


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