Silent Answers

I'm deeply sorry for the ache that stays,  
For the shattered vows, the broken days.  
In the end of love, where silence reigns,  
Grief demands an answer, but none explains.

Caught in the storm, three times betrayed,  
The choice to leave, though painfully made.  
In the quiet hours, questions rise,  
But some wounds hold no clear replies.

Finding a way seems far from sight,  
In the shadowed halls of endless night.  
But step by step, though small they be,  
Are bricks laid down in the path to free.

It’s okay to feel, to sit with pain,  
To cry the tears that fall like rain.  
There’s no rush, no hurried pace,  
In the journey through this fragile space.

Each day’s weight may shift and change,  
Some light, some heavy, some out of range.  
But know that healing takes its time,  
In moments slow, and thoughts that climb.

So grant yourself the grace to feel,  
To honor wounds that time may heal.  
For in each breath, each step, each word,  
You find your way, though faintly heard.


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