Set Free from the Curse

Galatians 3:13 speaks,  
Christ took the curse in our place,  
Redeemed us from the law's demand,  
And covered us with grace.  

“Christ has redeemed us,” don’t forget,  
The curse He bore for thee,  
The cross was where the chains were snapped,  
And now we walk in Galatians 3:14, free.  

1 Peter 2:24 proclaims,  
He bore our sins and pain,  
Each transgression, every curse,  
Was nailed through Him, now slain.  

“For by His wounds, we've been made whole,”  
No curse can bind us here,  
In Him, we find our healing's peace,  
And every chain of fear.  

Numbers 23:20 cries out loud,  
“God blessed, it can't be reversed!”  
What man can speak a curse on you  
When God’s own blessing bursts?  

He spoke His Word, and none can change  
The blessing He's declared,  
No parent's curse, no human will,  
Can shift what God has shared.  

So Kenyan beloved, in Christ you stand,  
No curse has hold on thee,  
For He has borne it all for you,  
And now, you are set free.  

Galatians, Peter, Numbers too,  
Remind us of His might,  
The curse is gone, the blessing stays,  
You walk now in His light.  

So fear no more what men may say,  
For God’s Word is your shield,  
In Christ, the fear of curses fades—  
In Him, you are healed.


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