Is That How You Solve It?

Is that how you solve it,  
With shadows and lies?  
Do you silence the voices  
That rise to the skies?  
When a problem is born,  
Do you smother its breath,  
As if answers are found  
In the cold hands of death?

Do you sever the truth  
At the root of its stem,  
Then walk with your crown  
In a broken diadem?  
Is power so sweet  
That you barter our trust,  
Turning hopes into dust  
For the hunger of lust?

Do you tie every end  
With corruption and steel,  
Forget every promise  
You once made with zeal?  
For the taxes you spend,  
For the people you fail,  
Do you patch every crack  
With deceitful betrayal?

But the questions still rise,  
In the light, in the dark,  
You can’t kill every spark,  
You can’t silence the cries.  
So tell me, dear leader,  
Is that how it’s done?  
Is your victory hollow  
When the people are none?


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