Hunt, or Be Hunted!

Siasa chafu, where power breathes and swells,  
A phrase is spoken, a warning bell—  
Hunt, or be hunted, the game of chase,  
In high-stakes fields, where all must race.  

Aggression fuels the drive to win,  
To stay ahead, let none break in.  
A cutthroat dance, where power's gained,  
And rivals fall, or are contained.  

But as we chase this endless prize,  
A shadow grows beneath our eyes.  
Trust erodes, and hearts grow cold,  
The price of victory, steep and bold.  

In this pursuit, where none are free,  
We lose ourselves in rivalry.  
The game we play, with rules unkind,  
Can fracture soul and cloud the mind.  

Yet balance calls, a gentle voice,  
To guide our steps, to make a choice—  
To lift the veil of ruthless fire,  
And find a path where all aspire.  

For in the race, we need not lose  
Our empathy, or ethics choose.  
A healthy spirit, competition fair,  
Will nurture growth, a bond to share.  

So as we hunt, let’s not forget,  
The human cost of each regret.  
For in the end, it’s not the prize,  
But how we’ve played, that truly lies.


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