Embracing the Unknown

I’ve stumbled before, not learned from the fall,  
But this time I’ll listen to wisdom’s call.  
In the world of data, mistakes will be made,  
But each misstep’s a lesson, a chance to upgrade.

I’ll fumble with code, maybe break it apart,  
But in every failure, I’ll strengthen my heart.  
Learning is messy, no straight perfect line,  
Mistakes are the markers of growth over time.

I won’t let the errors turn me away,  
For even in failure, there's progress each day.  
So, I’ll dive into data, not fearing the fray—  
It’s better to try than to never display.

Even if I stumble, the journey’s begun,  
Each wrong step will teach me until it's won.  
Mistakes are just chapters, not the whole book—  
I’ll keep turning pages, no matter how it looks.


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