A Mother's Love

A mother's love, both fierce and warm,  
A shelter from life's fiercest storm.  
It shields us when the winds grow cold,  
With hands so gentle, arms so bold.  

But love so deep, so wild, so pure,  
Can sometimes make the lines obscure.  
She'll overlook the cracks and seams,  
And see us only through her dreams.  

Her heart, a lantern in the night,  
Can blind her to what's out of sight.  
In wanting to protect and guide,  
She may not see the tears we hide.  

For in her eyes, we wear no scars,  
We're perfect as the evening stars.  
Yet in that gaze, we long to be  
The person she might fail to see.  

A mother's love, though blind at times,  
Is written in the softest rhymes.  
And though it shields, it must let go,  
To let us bloom and learn to grow.


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