The Art of Sales and Success

Success, they say, is luck and skill combined,  
A meeting of moments, well-prepared and timed.  
What does it mean, this balance we seek?  
In preparation's strength, opportunity speaks.

You pondered the path, a skill to hone,  
In sales, where wealthy minds are grown.  
For wealth, they say, is more than gold—  
It’s in the words and stories told.

To speak with strangers, you chose to learn,  
In each conversation, a new bridge to burn.  
With Aloe Lips in hand, you’ll start the quest,  
To share the benefits, to give your best.

A brochure, your ally, a tool in the field,  
To show them the truth, no need for a shield.  
“It’s all here,” you’ll say, “the benefits clear,  
Would you like to see? It’s all written here.”

In every step, from start to now,  
You’ve found your way, you’ve learned the how.  
For success is born when we prepare,  
And in the doing, we find the where.


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