Shattered Vows

The night revealed a bitter truth,  
You spoke with quiet shame,  
"I wandered far because you lacked  
The fire to light my flame."

You toiled to build a solid life,  
With heart and hands entwined,  
But still, I searched for something more,  
A love you couldn't find.

No wealth could ever claim my heart,  
No gold could seal my soul,  
For what I longed for ran much deeper,  
Beyond a simple goal.

Yet was it right to break our vows,  
To seek what we had sworn?  
The fault I placed on what you lacked  
Leaves both of us forlorn.

Loyalty can’t be bought or sold,  
Faith isn’t just a trade,  
It’s built on trust, on love that’s shared,  
Not simply what is paid.

Now trust lies shattered on the ground,  
A wound that time won’t heal,  
No treasure can repair this rift,  
Or change the way we feel.

The truth remains in love we learn,  
No matter what we own,  
Faith and trust are priceless gifts  
We both must now atone.


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