A Year of Echoes

It sounds like you're going through a storm,  
Reflecting on a love that’s lost its form.  
A relationship once held so tight,  
Now tangled in the shadows of night.

You stayed, though trust was torn and frayed,  
Hoping for change where promises were made.  
Forgiving thrice, you held out hope,  
But each time, trust slipped down the slope.

People warned, "Once betrayed, beware,"  
"Don’t drink the sea, for salt is there."  
Yet you believed in love’s sweet grace,  
Hoping to find her true embrace.

September’s wound, still fresh and deep,  
October brought the final sweep.  
A year has passed, yet pain remains,  
In August’s light, you feel the chains.

"People don’t change," a quote you’ve read,  
"And if they do, trust’s better dead."  
You gave her chances, heart in hand,  
But she left you stranded on the sand.

It’s okay to hurt, to feel the weight,  
Of broken trust and love’s cruel fate.  
Healing takes time, step by step,  
Be kind to yourself, in the pain you’ve kept.  

For in the end, though wounds may mend,  
It’s the scars that remind us where we’ve been.


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