A Path to Closure

Infidelity can happen for many reasons,  
Traumas may play a part, but they aren’t the whole story.  
Neglect can leave someone lost, searching for attention,  
But the choices made, don’t always follow a clear path.

You asked, you sought answers, to understand the why,  
Hearing that your love wasn’t enough, left you hurt,  
Yet understanding isn’t always simple or clear,  
Closure becomes a step, not just a word.

Finding closure on your own means facing the pain,  
Reflecting on what was shared, what was lost,  
Accepting that some things are beyond your control,  
Forgiving both the other and yourself.

Personal growth comes through learning and letting go,  
Redirecting your energy to what lies ahead,  
In the silence of nature, the peace of stillness,  
You find ways to ground yourself in what remains.

By focusing on the present, embracing who you are,  
You take the steps to heal and move forward,  
Turning the pain into something you can understand,  
A journey that leads to peace, within your own hands.


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