Incomplete Progress

Arms churn, a windmill in the tide,
A frantic dance, nowhere to confide.
The surface mocks, a shimmering deceit,
A false horizon, progress incomplete.

We kick and strain, a desperate ballet,
Muscles scream, lungs burning for a way
To break the cycle, gasp a breath of air,
But every stroke just keeps us tethered there.

The water's hold, a chilling, silent friend,
Numbs the will, whispers the bitter end.
Treading water, a drowning slow and sure,
Hope's flickering flame flickers dimmer, pure.

Is there a shore? A hand to reach and pull?
Or just this endless, churning, empty lull?
For in this struggle, staying just afloat,
The line is blurred, a deadly, silent note. 


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