Remember The Alamo!

In the heart of our great land, 
Where the protestors' will stand tall, 
Echoes of history whisper, 
"Remember, remember it all."

Not the Alamo, but our own fight,
Our struggle, our cries, our call,
Against the weight of burdens,
Against the rising wall.

"Remember our fallen heroes,
Who fought for freedom’s light,
Their dreams, their hopes, their visions,
In the darkest of the night."

Stand up, brave Kenyan hearts,
Against the unjust decree,
For in our unity and courage,
We hold the power to be free.

Change before you have to,
Before the storm demands,
Shape our future, our destiny,
With our own willing hands.

In the shadow of oppression,
Let not our spirits wane,
For the lessons of our past,
Must never be in vain.

So, remember our resilience,
Our history, our might,
And let us strive together,
To turn the wrongs to right.

Kenya, our beloved home,
In every valley, every hill,
Rise against the chains of tyranny,
Reject the Finance Bill.


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