No Single Key!

The clink of coins, a tempting sound,
A promise whispered, dreams unbound.
Security's embrace, a roof so strong,
But can it fill the hollowness of song?

Fulfillment's flame, a flickering spark,
A passion's dance that leaves its mark.
A purpose found, a life embraced,
But can it bloom when pockets feel defaced?

The tug-of-war, a constant fight,
For balance sought in day and night.
Is money freedom, or a gilded cage?
Does meaning wither with the turning page?

Perhaps the answer's not so clear,
A whispered truth for every ear.
For some, a blend, a life entwined,
Where purpose thrives with peace of mind.

For others, risk, a chosen path,
To chase the stars, embrace the wrath
Of fortune's fickle, playful hand,
And find their worth in shifting sand.

There's no one path, no single key,
Just honest choices, wild and free.
Listen within, where whispers rise,
And find the wealth that lights your eyes.


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