Hunger Pangs

In Mombasa's heart, a hunger pangs,
A well-dressed man, with empty fangs.
No fault of fate, a choice of hand,
Debt's heavy weight on Kenyan sand.

We met by chance, a natural spark,
A conversation in the dark.
Your plight unveiled, a hidden shame,
A hungry belly, whispered name.

Corrupted leaders, a broken plan,
No food bank's comfort, helping hand.
But hope persists, in whispers low,
Kindness still blooms, where good hearts grow.

Mosques with open doors, a beacon bright,
Offering solace through day and night.
Street food's bounty, a tempting call,
Markets brimming, for one and all.

The path to healing, brick by brick,
Financial wisdom, not a trick.
Debt relief whispers, a future bright,
Job skills learned, to chase the night.

Though hunger gnaws, and darkness reigns,
Hope's embers flicker, through pouring rains.
This conversation, a bridge we cross,
From empty stomach, to future's gloss.


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