Forgive Yourself

The weight of self-blame is heavy, a burden it can be,
But hear this truth, whispered softly, a chance to finally see.

Life's path is one of winding roads, with choices left and right,
Some paved with joy, some marked with woes, bathed in a dimmer light.

You strayed, you made mistakes, it's true, the path you walk today,
But dwelling there won't see you through, it won't help pave a brighter way.

Forgive yourself, for growth it brings, a lesson etched in pain,
Let go of burdens, spread your wings, and rise above the rain.

You hold the strength to write a new, a story yet untold,
With every choice, a chance accrues, to turn what's cold to gold.

This life you built, you can rebuild, with lessons learned along the way,
Embrace the strength that lies concealed, and greet a brighter day.


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