Chin Towards God!

Head bowed, a crown unseen,
Eyes hold a burden, a downtrodden sheen.
Words whisper, "Chin up," a celestial plea,
But gravity stronger pulls your gaze to the knee.

Low self-esteem, a heavy cloak you wear,
Dimming the light, a burden to bear.
But listen closely, for a truth I impart,
Your worth isn't measured by where you direct your heart.

Strength isn't posture, nor defiance a crown,
True power lies waiting, waiting to be found.
Look inward, dear soul, to the fire within,
The embers of passion, waiting to begin.

Let go of the weight, the stories you weave,
Of flaws and imperfections you shouldn't believe.
Unfurl your spirit, break free from the hold,
There's a whole world of wonder waiting to unfold.

Rise at your own pace, find your own guiding light,
Forget the comparisons, the endless inner fight.
For you are worthy, enough from the start,
With a kind, gentle heart, a magnificent art.

So lift your gaze slowly, when you feel you're able,
The world awaits your smile, so unafraid and stable.
Chin up or chin down, it doesn't define,
Your spirit's the compass, forever you'll shine. 


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