A Chance To Mend

They aim their barbs, a stinging rain,
A test, a trial, wrapped in pain.
But don't you fret, don't feel the sting,
For hidden gifts these shadows bring.

A mirror held, a truth revealed,
A weakness shown, a path concealed.
A chance to mend, to build anew,
A stronger you, emerging true.

Like iron forged in fires' might,
Your spirit hardens, burning bright.
Resilience blooms where they deride,
A tougher shell to turn the tide.

And purpose, too, may take its stand,
A guiding light in shifting sand.
Their doubts a spark, a chance to see
The path you walk, meant just for thee.

So thank the storm, the ones who try,
To dim your flame, to make you die.
For in their wake, a lesson learned,
A fire sparked, a spirit earned.


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