Every time I look at Pep Guardiola, I remember the Law of Attraction.
And the Law of Attraction has four levels.
🙆 Level 1 (living in the culture scape)
Life happens to you; this is the victim stage.
💡 Level 2 (the awakening)
You choose the world you want to experience. You become a 'personal growth machine.'
🎙️ Level 3 (recording yourself)
You meditate more. This is the level whereby you go beyond the conventional modalities.
For Christians, this is the level whereby your desire to be led by the spirit is fulfilled (Galatians 5:18). You are constantly keen on the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
🫥 Level 4 (goal setting disappears)
You are being guided through life. This is the level where your goals aren't coming from your mind.
You are most fulfilled at this level because you are advancing your purpose.
At level four:
👉You have a deep sense of connectedness
👉 Intuition is constantly speaking to you
👉 You always take inspired action (inspiration leads to intention)
👉You are perpetually lucky
Keep in mind that each level also exists on a spectrum.
Level 1.1
Level 1.2
Level 1.3
And this explains why some people have been stuck at level 1 for six decades.
There are no shortcuts to moving up the levels. You have to learn how it's done and do the work (knowledge is supposed to inspire you to have an open mind).
😞 Bad Vibes
Everything that has happened in your life, you have attracted.
Except the family you were born into.
You can tell what a person focuses on most by what's happening to their lives in the physical realm.
It's the predominant thoughts that you hold in your mind that manifest in your physical realm.
What you think, what you feel, and what manifests are always a match.
Everything is energy. And what manifests in your physical realm always has the same energy vibrations as your predominant thoughts.
Your feelings (emotions) are simply a data analysis tool that helps you know what you are thinking.
If you feel bitter, you'll keep attracting things that have the same energy vibrations as your bitterness.
You feel bitter towards your ex, and as you commute to work, you forget to ask for your 920KES balance from the conductor.
The beef fry you had at lunch was too salty.
"It wasn't even well done," you protest.
And as you get back home past 1830HRS, you realize the two passengers that were with you in the TukTuk stole your smartphone.
Maybe you didn't know that a simple shift of your bad emotion (bitterness) could change your day, drastically.
🎶 How do you change your emotions?
It takes a good thought to heal a bad thought.
Listen to the music you like (you know, that record that gives you goosebumps). That will immediately shift your emotions.
We all know that a positive thought is much more powerful than a negative thought.
Since positive thoughts give you good emotions, you'll keep attracting things that make you feel good during your day-to-day activities.
Humans have a propensity toward the negative. The key is to act fast in shifting our emotions when our bad emotions alert us that what we are thinking is negative.
🏆 Pep Guardiola
I bet this guy has mastered the art of attracting league wins.
He's definitely cruising at 'Level 4'.
Listen, I have been a Manchester United fan since 1999. But I am always fascinated by what manifests in Pep's physical realm.
Pep must have mastered the art of bending reality.
I guess it all starts with the mind. You have a powerful tool between your ears.
P.S. I started being a fan of Manchester United due to my cousin Wilson Guya. My late aunt hosted me back in 1999, and I saw a picture of Sir Ryan Giggs on his bedroom wall. And that's how I ended up being a Manchester United fan (maybe I was yearning for a sense of belonging).
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