In the heart of Ndonya, where stories unfold,
Lived a man named Wanzala, brave and bold.
With a gleam in his eye and a steadfast grin,
He proclaimed: "When you act, remarkable things begin."
Through bustling streets, his words did soar,
Echoing wisdom from days of yore.
He spoke of dreams and of endless skies,
Of seizing the moment, with open eyes.
Wanzala insisted, with fervent belief,
That action was the key to unlock relief.
For in every step, in every strive,
Lay the potential to truly come alive.
He stirred the hearts of those who heard,
With tales of courage, never deterred.
For Wanzala knew, deep in his soul,
That greatness awaited those who dared to roll.
He walked the talk, in every way,
Embodied the spirit, day by day.
For when he acted, the world would see,
The power within, boundless and free.
So heed his words, let them ring true,
For Wanzala's wisdom will guide you through.
When you take action, with purpose within,
Truly remarkable things begin.
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