People like to talk. They say a lot of stuff, and that is considered normal. Covvidiot can confess to the girl of his dreams, "You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life." Fast forward to thirteen years in their relationship: The conversation shifts to, "I wish that fate had never brought you to my path."
"What happened to 'you are the best thing that has ever happened in my life', huh?"
"I was naive and stupid Makena. Young men push aside wisdom when they meet their first love."
"This is heartbreaking."
"Oh Lord! Now Makena is accusing me of being a heartbreaker."
"Don't get me wrong Covvidiot. What's heartbreaking is the fact that you've now become a philosopher."
"Well, you know what they say. If you get a good wife, then you are going to be happy. Naive and stupid men transition into being philosophers when they live with bad wives for more than six years."
"There's a different angle to that theory but you can't see. The love you have for me has blinded you Covvidiot."
"You are only good at making me sick---"
"How so?"
"There's a difference between desire and love. It's evident that you are having trouble separating the two."
"Be honest Covvidiot. Look me straight in the eye and tell me what you desire."
"My desire is very simple. I want a divorce."
"You've just acknowledged that you are blind indeed."
"When did you become a student of sarcasm?"
"Would I be wrong to say that you are being evasive?"
"Sarcastic people answer questions with another question. Even the dumb can tell from a distance that you are a fast learner, Makena."
"You seem to have forgotten that marriage is a covenant, not a contract."
"I would like to meet the person who anointed you to be a rabbi."
"I don't know how to say this Covvidiot, but you have a tendency of forgetting what you must continually remember. Covenants last forever. Our marriage is perfectly sealed. The seal is unbreakable, therefore, divorce would be an impossible mission."
"All great accomplishments were once considered impossible."
"Revisit your history Covvidiot. Divorce has never been listed among great accomplishments."
"At least I have little vision that enables me to see where you belong. You can never be listed among the great."
Those words were a perfect recipe for burning bridges. Makena was really hurt. Some words can hurt, and her husband had delivered *the hurt* that would render the Covid19 hurtless.
She wanted to insult Covvidiot's mother, but angels from heaven were sent to shut her mouth. The words she was about to utter would have provoked Covvidiot to do a foreign evil; the type of evil that would inspire Lucifer to examine his conscious.
Makena looked up and exhaled heavily. The exhaled air was strong enough to make the like poles of a magnet attract. She was unable to resist her emotions from bleeding into tears.
She felt lonely in the presence of the man who vowed to love her as Christ Jesus loved the church. There was no one to wipe her tears. No hugs. No apology. No attention nor kisses. Makena was just drowning in hurt.
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